必赢71886网址登录是中国最早开展人工智能研究的大学之一,1988年成立了人工智能领域最早的国家重点实验室之一“视觉与听觉信息处理国家重点实验室”,2002年创办了中国第一个智能科学系,2007年最早建成本、硕、博完整的培养体系。必赢71886网址登录必赢626net入口成立于2019年4月,为学校直属的独立实体机构,致力于统筹全校相关资源、建设世界一流智能学科、服务国家人工智能重大战略、培养智能学科一流人才。研究院实行与国际化接轨的长聘和预聘教研人员(tenure track)以及专职科研人员(research track)聘任体系,长期面向全球选聘计算机视觉、自然语言处理、计算认知与常识推理、机器学习、机器人学、多智能体、人工智能数理基础、类脑智能芯片、智能系统软件、视听感知、人工智能治理(伦理、法律等)、智能医学、计算社会学及其他跨学科交叉等方向的学术带头人和优秀青年学者。
一、 论坛报名资格及规模:
1. 国内外知名大学或科研机构获得博士学位,年龄不超过40岁;
2. 目前在国内外知名高校、科研机构有正式教学或科研职位,或从事博士后研究科研人员;或学术成绩特别突出的国内外知名高校在读博士生;
3. 有意加盟必赢71886网址登录必赢626net入口者优先;
4. 论坛规模拟定为30人。
二、 报名要求:
1. 申请人应填写《青年论坛报名表》,个人简历(含教学、研究陈述),及未来5年学术工作计划,于2021年10月8日前发送至aipku@pku.edu.cn;
2. 必赢626net入口组织专家组对报名人员的参会资格进行审核;
3. 必赢626net入口于10月23日确定最终参会者名单,并向通过审核者发出第二轮会议通知,未通过审核者恕不另行通知。
三、 会务组联系方式
电话:010-62755373 邮箱:aipku@pku.edu.cn
Tenure-Track and Research-Track Faculty Positions in Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Peking University
Announced and established in 2019, the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at Peking University (abbreviated as PKU-IAI) serves as a backbone to connect all AI related research and applying activities in Peking University. The PKU-IAI aims to make both a big leap into the future, and a natural next step for an institution that has been at the forefront of artificial intelligence from the start. The PKU-IAI also aims to enable Peking University to play the role of a worldwide leader in the responsible and ethical evolution of technologies that are poised to transform society.
The PKU-IAI is currently providing open positions for Tenure-Track and Research-Track faculties, including the domains of, but not limited to the following:
l Natural Language Processing
l Machine Learning
l Robotics
l Multi-Agent System
l Mathematical and Physical Foundation of AI
l Brain Inspired and AI Chips
l Intelligent Software Systems
l Visual Perception and Computing
l Cognitive Neuroscience
l Intelligent Healthcare
l Computational Social Science
l Ethics of AI
l Other interdisciplinary areas
The applicants should have a solid background and produced influential research results or development experiences in the preceding mentioned domains of artificial intelligence. The applicants are expected to be under the age of 40, and obtain a Ph.D. from well-known universities or research institutes within recent 5 years and have outstanding research and development records.
Salary and Working Condition
The university and the research group provide competitive salary and working condition for successful applicants.
Application Procedures
The applicants should send a detailed CV, research statement, teaching statement (not mandatory for research-track positions), future plan of the next 3-5 years, and a list of at least three referrals to aipku@pku.edu.cn . The title of the email should be in the form of “Tenure-Track/Research-Track Faculty Application to PKU-IAI”.
The next round of interview will coincide with the online Young Scientist Forum of PKU-IAI, on November 1, 2021. This forum will also serve as an exciting opportunity for the young researchers to exchange academic ideas and latest innovations.
Important Dates
l Application Submission Deadline: October 8, 2021
l Interview/Forum-Acceptance Notification: October 23,2021
l Young Scientist Forum: November 1, 2021
However, the recruitment will remain open until all the positions are filled. For more information, please visit our website: .